Friday, October 23, 2009

Battle of Thermopylae - from the Persian view

This is my version of our slant narrative assignment from this past week. Mine takes the opposing view of Caity's.

I, Esther, wife of Xerxes, begin this journal to faithfully recount the happenings of the Greco-Persian battle as my beloved husband and his army are out at battle. As the King of Persia, it is Xerxes’ duty to go against the Greeks and fight them. He is taking his duty seriously and has fought bravely thus far. I miss him dearly, even though he’s only been gone a few months; it seems like he’s been gone for years. I faithfully pray that the God of my people will protect him. He sends letters when he can and keeps me, and those here at the palace with me, updated as to the progress of the war. Our troops are fighting like real men and never lose heart. They are all so weary I am sure. How hard for them, as well as my husband, to be separated from there beloved wives and children so long. It is a man’s duty to fight I guess. It makes life at the palace so much more quite, even at times restless. When I know Xerxes is happy with the progress of the battle, it is so much easier for me to be happy.

Tonight, I have received word that things are going slowly in Thermopylae. Our Persian army is fairly large especially now that the Medes have joined us. The Phoenicians and Athenians, among others, have joined with the Greek’s paltry army. The pass of Thermopylae where they are fighting, was blocked by the Greeks, but at the time Xerxes wrote the letter, they had just recently concurred the Greeks and were moving further in. The countryside, he said, is covered with oak trees, how lovely that must be in this fall weather. I can just picture rolling hills covered in the gold, red, and orange of the changing trees.

I cannot effectively summarize what Xerxes has told me, so I’ll copy his words: “We have been fighting day and night for four days straight. The Greeks though, they have fewer people, have good army tactics and strategy. They form lines of defense and switch out warriors so as to not make them too weary. We have fought through the pass of Thermopylae and are moving inward. We trade off days of victory with the Greeks frequently, but I feel our army has regained a passion for fighting, and the enemy is slowly loosing courage. Our army is fighting bravely. You would be proud to see them fight for their country and families as they do. Speaking of family reminds me of how I miss you and wish this could somehow be over soon, so that I may return and embrace you once again. I think of you by day and dream of you by night. Perhaps, if all goes well, we may be on our homeward journey by the end of the year. It has been a rough day of fighting and I must see everything in camp is set for the night and get some sleep.”

I am so eager to see him again. And to think, he could be home by the end of the year! I am sure that with God’s help they will concur. I fast and pray for them regularly. Just as God granted me courage when I had to face Xerxes about the life of my people, I am sure God will give our warriors strength.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I can always count on you to bring in the "people" factor (our resident family socialite!). Great job!
